Hedland is located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, 1,700kms north of Perth. Supported primarily by the resource industry, in particular BHP Billiton and Fortescue Metals Group, the growth of the town is prone to the peaks and troughs associated with the demand for iron ore. With a current population estimated to be 20,200 people
(Town of Port Hedland), the Pilbara Cities vision is to build the population into a city of 50,000 people. The impact on Hedland will undoubtedly be significant from a social, environmental and economic perspective.
(Town of Port Hedland), the Pilbara Cities vision is to build the population into a city of 50,000 people. The impact on Hedland will undoubtedly be significant from a social, environmental and economic perspective.
Incorporated in 1991 under the Associations Incorporation Act 1987 the
Hedland Well Women’s Centre provides services for over 15000 women, children and visitors annually through a range of services and programs including a women’s health clinic, counseling, social activities, drop in facilities and advocacy.

Having established an unchallenged position and excellent repu tation in the Hedland community for services and programs to women (and their families), it is critical that the Hedland Well Women’s Centre plans to meet the anticipated increased demand of this population growth.
The focus of the 2015 to 2018 Strategic is on core business and providing continuity for women in relation to clinical and counseling services as well as a
“home away from home” – for all women – during and beyond working hours.
The Hedland Well Women’s Centre takes a holistic approach to women’s health and wellbeing by considering programs, services and activities that relate to social and emotional wellbeing, physical health as well as environmental and economic domains.
In terms of core business however, the focus of the Centre is on providing access to clinical and counseling services on site - hence addressing the physical and emotional wellbeing of the women directly. From a strategic perspective and considering the anticipated growth of the Town to city status, the long term vision for the Centre is to employ a full time Women’s Health Nurse and Counselor and a Permanent Part Time Dietitian.
In addition to these clinical services, the Centre will continue to offer a range of preventative and educative services – providing opportunity for women to experience and access healthy (physical and emotional) life style options. Appreciating the differing needs of the broad client base, the Centre considers a key role moving forward will be to act as a conduit for women accessing the range of options available within and beyond the Centre and wherever possible, responding to identified needs and gaps directly.

The Hedland Well Women’s Centre takes a holistic approach to women’s health and wellbeing by considering programs, services and activities that relate to social and emotional wellbeing, physical health as well as environmental and economic domains.
In terms of core business however, the focus of the Centre is on providing access to clinical and counseling services on site - hence addressing the physical and emotional wellbeing of the women directly.
In terms of core business however, the focus of the Centre is on providing access to clinical and counseling services on site - hence addressing the physical and emotional wellbeing of the women directly.
From a strategic perspective and considering the anticipated growth of the Town to city status, the long term vision for the Centre is to employ a full time Women’s Health Nurse and Counselor and a Permanent Part Time Dietitian.
In addition to these clinical services, the Centre will continue to offer a range of preventative and educative services – providing opportunity for women to experience and access healthy (physical and emotional) life style options. Appreciating the differing needs of the broad client base, the Centre considers a key role moving forward will be to act as a conduit for women accessing the range of options available within and beyond the Centre and wherever possible, responding to identified needs and gaps directly.