REACH US –Pilbara Inc, has been established by Stacey Hambley to provide much needed ancillary support services to those battling Cancer (and their families) whilst living within the Pilbara region.. ABOUT In 2016, Stacey Hambley was diagnoses with breast cancer and came to realise, first hand, what little ancillary support services there are available locally within the Pilbara Region. Stacey began looking into it further, and established that north of Geraldton, other than those provided by there are no ancillary support services available. Within the last 11 months alone, there have been 94 new patients referred to the Pilbara Cancer Nurse. This means roughly every 3 days, there is a new person within the Pilbara diagnosed with Cancer. This is 94 people who need our help; help that would be readily available free of charge if these people lived in Metro areas. Sadly the statistics show that those diagnosed in regional areas, don’t have the same prognosis outcomes as those living within the Metro areas. The Pilbara; it’s ruggedly beautiful, but can also be terribly isolating to those in need. The foundation’s mission is to bring ancillary support services to those battling Cancer (and their families), whilst living within the Pilbara Region, through a ‘locals supporting locals’ initiative. To widely spread the awareness of Reach Us across the entire Pilbara Region. For those effected by cancer and for potential new sponsorships and funding support.